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Restorative Psychotherapy & Wellness offers comprehensive therapy services in Virginia and Tennessee, including the innovative Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. EMDR therapy is a trauma-informed approach that facilitates trauma processing and alleviates symptoms of depression.

Understanding EMDR Therapy 

EMDR therapy is a structured approach that helps individuals process traumatic experiences and negative emotions. By focusing on bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements or taps, EMDR therapy enables clients to reprocess distressing memories and associated beliefs. This trauma-informed therapy empowers individuals to confront and heal from past traumas, ultimately reducing symptoms of depression.

Alleviating Symptoms of Depression

EMDR therapy at Restorative Psychotherapy & Wellness addresses the root causes of depression by facilitating trauma processing. By reprocessing traumatic memories and reframing negative beliefs, individuals experience relief from depressive symptoms and gain a renewed sense of hope and emotional well-being.

Enhancing Emotional Resilience 

Restorative Psychotherapy & Wellness's trauma-informed approach ensures that individuals feel supported and empowered throughout their healing journey. By engaging in EMDR therapy, clients build resilience, improve self-esteem, and foster emotional well-being in the face of adversity.

Holistic Healing & Transformation

EMDR therapy goes beyond symptom management to promote holistic healing and transformation. By embracing EMDR therapy, individuals embark on a path to restore hope, reclaim their emotional well-being, and experience profound personal growth.

EMDR therapy at Restorative Psychotherapy & Wellness offers a powerful opportunity to treat depression, restore hope, and enhance emotional well-being through trauma processing. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, consider the transformative benefits of EMDR therapy. Contact us to explore our trauma-informed therapy services and embark on a journey towards healing and empowerment. 

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In today’s fast-paced world, taking care of our mental health is more crucial than ever. Restorative Psychotherapy & Wellness offers high-quality and evidence-based therapy services in Tennessee and Virginia, aiming to guide individuals towards a path of well-being and wholeness. Long-term therapy is an investment in oneself, providing a journey of self-discovery and healing that yields invaluable benefits.

Enhanced Self-Awareness 

Through consistent sessions, clients gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their triggers, and patterns. This heightened self-awareness fosters personal growth and empowers individuals to make positive changes in their lives.

Sustainable Mental Health Support 

With Restorative Psychotherapy & Wellness, long-term therapy offers continuous mental health support. Our professional therapists provide a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to express themselves openly. This ongoing support system enhances coping mechanisms, builds resilience, and promotes overall mental well-being.

Effective Treatment Outcomes 

Restorative Psychotherapy & Wellness's evidence-based approach ensures that clients receive comprehensive care tailored to their individual needs. By committing to long-term therapy, individuals can work through deep-rooted issues and experience lasting positive changes. 

Accessibility through Online Counseling 

Through virtual sessions, clients can engage in therapy from the comfort of their own homes, ensuring continuity of care regardless of location or circumstances. Online counseling extends the reach of professional therapy services, breaking down barriers to mental health support.

Investing in long-term therapy with Restorative Psychotherapy & Wellness is an investment in your well-being. Prioritize your mental health by embarking on a journey of self-discovery and healing with our professional therapy and psychotherapy services. Take the first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling life today. Contact us to learn more about our long-term therapy options and start your transformative journey toward holistic wellness.

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Sharing your life with someone means having open and honest conversations, even when those conversations are a bit difficult. But that's easier said than done.

During hard conversations, it's common for many people to become triggered by something their partner has said. Calm one moment, but the next, they're thrown into "fight or flight" mode, which is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening. Before they know it, the most primitive part of their brain is activated to help them survive, which in turn can shut down communication and connection and almost always breaks down trust.

If you are like most people, you may find it hard to stay calm when tensions run high between you and your partner. Luckily there are things you can do to regulate your emotional responses and keep yourself calm, open, and level-headed.

Pause and Breathe

As soon as you start to feel triggered, pause and take a few slow, deep breaths. While deep breathing may seem cliche, it is a powerful tool that helps us get out of "fight or flight" mode and into a more relaxed state. When you take a deep breath and exhale slowly, you signal to your brain that you are safe and secure. This can help to calm your nerves and bring you a sense of calm in an otherwise tense moment. With practice, this simple technique can become a powerful tool in your arsenal for managing stress and anxiety.

Use Your Senses

When having a difficult conversation with your partner, focus on your physical sensations to regain perspective and help regulate your emotions. Take deep breaths, relax your muscles, take a sip of water, and feel the sensation of drinking, or you could run your fingers along the seam of the sofa cushion and pay attention to any tension in your body. Doing so lets you stay calm, making it easier to listen and express your ideas effectively. Remember that emotional regulation is a skill that takes practice, so don't be too hard on yourself if it doesn't come naturally at first. With time and patience, you can learn to regulate your emotions and have more productive conversations with your partner.

Listen Fully

It is so common in a conversation to listen to form a response. But when we do this, it is far easier to misunderstand what the other person is really saying. Be sure to listen to understand, not to form a response. Avoid interrupting the speaker and refrain from making assumptions about their thoughts or feelings. Instead, adopt a curious and attentive mindset, ask questions for clarification, and summarize what you've heard to ensure comprehension. Remember, being curious while listening doesn't mean you have to agree with the other person's perspective, but rather that you're interested in understanding it.

Difficult conversations are inevitable in any relationship, so developing the practice of these self-regulating tips can help you to remain calm during conflicts and find it easier to be vulnerable and maintain a relationship based on integrity, openness, and trust.

If you and your partner have become aware of problematic communication patterns and want guidance in overcoming those challenges, please contact our Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), Karen C Lewis, to schedule your free consultation.


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